Monday, November 19, 2007

Your home as Art!

Art is a wonderful form of expression, and there are many ways to create that expression!

For instance, instead of hanging a standard picture on the wall, have a mural of your favorite scene painted there instead! Experience the depth and beauty of the colors in a richer, more life-like perspective.

Make your dining area into the "Pavement Cafe At Night" like that of Vincent van Gogh, or perhaps, have the green leafy vines of a garden surround you, on the walls, to create a garden patio atmosphere.

Have Norman Rockwell take you to an earlier, more innocent age by having his images painted along a hallway.

Or, make sleeping a magical experience for children by having a ceiling mural of stars with Walt Disney's, Peter Pan flying through the air.

Take your living room wall and open it up, by having it painted with "Lily Pond at Giverny" by Claude Monet. Make your wall the piece of art!

Murals add so much more life and color. With just a little imagination, your home can be an expression of beauty and joy!

Make your home into what you'd like it to be.

I'd love to hear comments that you might have!

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Have fun!


Thursday, November 8, 2007

Add life and beauty to your home.

There are so many ways to add more life and beauty to your home!

For instance, plants add SO MUCH to the atmosphere. They bring beauty, and if you are savvy about what you buy, they involve very little care. You can get plants at Home Depot for very reasonable prices. Grow your own fruit trees in pots on your porch! Or have wonderful smelling flowering potted plants that spread to make a porch or patio more private. Get a pre-made trellis and let the flowering plant spread over and thru it. You can buy a small trellis (not very expensively) from local nurseries or Home Depot. Orchard Hardware may also carry these. Have fun adding life to your home.

Get potted herbs and use these to decorate your table or put in your windows. They are also great for cooking! Herbs add their own distinct aroma to the air and are delicious! I bought a well established potted rosemary plant at Trader Joes recently and have it placed in a window.
When I want that aroma, I pinch off a bit of the plant and put it on my counter. You could also boil the herb and let that be a replacement for air fresheners!

Basil is another herb that smells terrific and can be potted. Break off the leaves and add to salad or oils for more flavor. When the leaves are crushed, the aroma is fantastic!

Another great source of plants and pots is the "99 cents only" store. ( I've had one plant from them for 2 years and it's doing well!) Depending on which location that you go to, you will find small cacti, leafy plants, ferns, etc. Just make sure that you look over the plant to see that it isn't dehydrated. It will last much longer if it has been watered properly.

There really are many ways to improve the look and feel of a home, and the addition of plants is just one avenue to achieve this.

Well, I hope you have fun, and feel free to make suggestions or comments!